GCP Europe’s perspective for an effective SRI implementation


As the leading representative of mechanical installer’s in Europe, GCP Europe provides its’ perspective on the future implementation of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI). GCP Europe strongly supports having an SRI throughout Europe in order to raise awareness on the benefits of smart services in buildings. However, we identify three pillars to ensure an effective implementation:


Broad acceptance at Member State level – Which is vital in order to ensure the confidence in the scheme amongst European consumers.
Links to the Building Renovation Strategies – The SRI should be a catalyser for deep-building renovations. In this context, therefore, it should be linked to the long-term renovation strategies under the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.
Practical considerations on issuing the scores – GCP Europe believes that as the installers of building services would be best capacitated to issue the SRI certificates, considering their deep knowledge of the technologies and their direct links to consumers.


GCP Europe is committed to helping ensure an effective SRI implementation, and therefore reaffirms its commitment to continue working with the European Commission, Member States and other stakeholders.


For further information please see our position paper below.

gcp_europe_position_on_smart_readiness_indicator.pdf (183.9 KB)Herunterladen