On 23-24 October 2024 GCP Europe (the European voice of building services engineering, mechanical contractors, plumbers and HVAC installers) will organise their GCP Europe Days in Brussels.
If you would like to participate in the public part of these days, please send an email to o.jung@gcpeurope.eu by 18 October 2024.
- 23 October 16.30-18.00 - Installers’ Networking Drink (GCP Europe Office Rond-Point Schuman 2-4 (4th floor))
Meet, chat and have a few drinks with our members from all around Europe representing HVAC installers, mechanical contractors and plumbers.
- 24 October 9.00-16.00 - GCP Europe Rountable discussions (Martin’s Hotel EU - Boulevard Charlemagne 80 1000 Brussels + Online connection possibility upon request)
Concept of the discussions
The main objective of the event is to maximise fruitful exchanges between GCP Europe members and external guests. So, all participants are encouraged to be very active during the discussions.
The common thread of the discussions will be GCP Europe’s “Pipes for a healthy, climate-resilient, digital & prosperous Europe” (= priorities for policy-makers in the years to come). These are of general nature. The second objective of the event is to refine them based on the new EU policy environment and the views of external guests. So, all participants are encouraged to read the “pipes” in advance.
The third objective of the event is to offer actionable items and potential future collaborations. So, participants are encouraged to embrace this aim and share ideas at the end of each discussion point.
9.00 Introduction and setting the scene
9.00-9.05 Welcome, aims of the discussions, and GCP Europe “Pipes for a healthy, climate-resilient, digital & prosperous Europe”, Oliver JUNG, Secretary-General GCP Europe
9.05-9.25 “Looking ahead on EU energy policy”, Niels LADEFOGED, Deputy Head of Unit (Buildings and Products), DG ENER, European Commission + Q&A
9.25-9.45 “Looking ahead on EU skills policy”, Felix ROHN, Policy Officer (Skills Agenda), DG EMPL, European Commission + Q&A
9.45 Discussion on “green & digital skills”
9.45-10.00 “Views from GCP Europe on status &needs”, Oliver JUNG and GCP Europe members
10.00-10.35 “Perspectives and potential solutions”, Exchange with all guests willing to address the topic (notably, EuropeOn, REHVA, InnoEnergy)
10.35-10.50 “Next steps and actions”
10.50 Coffee break
11.10 Discussion on “digitalisation in the energy sector”
11.10-11.25 “Views from GCP Europe on status &needs”, Oliver JUNG and GCP Europe members
11.25-12.00 “Perspectives and potential solutions”, Exchange with all guests willing to address the topic (notably, FEST, EuropeOn)
12.00-12.15 “Next steps and actions”
12.15 Discussion on “innovative finance schemes”
12.15-12.25 “Views from GCP Europe on status &needs”, Oliver JUNG and GCP Europe members
12.25-12.50 “Perspectives and potential solutions”, Exchange with all guests willing to address the topic
12.50-13.00 “Next steps and actions”
13.00 Lunch break
14.05 Health and safety beyond efficiency in buildings (indoor air and water quality + refrigerants)
14.00-14.20 “Views from GCP Europe on status &needs”, Oliver JUNG and GCP Europe members
14.20-15.00 “Perspectives and potential solutions”, Exchange with all guests willing to address the topic (notably, EVIA, REHVA, EHPA)
15.05 Coffee break
15.25-15.45 “Next steps and actions”
Tour de table on main takeaways, actionable conclusions & final words