Today, we launch our joint manifesto: good air quality must become a basic human right. Together with the co-signatories, we highlight the critical importance of indoor air quality for our health, for our economy and for our future generations.
As the European Parliament and Commission enter into a new mandate this year, we must not forget that the need for good air quality does not stop at our doorstep, but also includes the air we breathe indoors – where we spend 90% of our daily lives.
Therefore, we call for greater political attention and legislative action to ensure that indoor air quality (IAQ) receives the recognition and resources it deserves. The manifesto outlines how IAQ considerations could be integrated into the European policy framework, ensuring that future policies prioritise the health and comfort of people living, working and studying in Europe’s buildings.
Notably, we call on European policymakers to:
- make “access to good quality air” (including indoor air) a basic human right by bringing the adaptations needed to the European Treaties and Charter of Fundamental rights if needed;
- give equal (high) consideration to “indoor air quality” as to “ambient air quality” in the adoption of new and revised EU policies;
- operate a screening of all EU policies fit for improved measures towards good indoor air quality and make new ambitious suggestions.
The manifesto is co-signed by the Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) Europe, the European Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Contractors (AREA), the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE), the European Ventilation Industry Association (EVIA), Eurovent, the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA), and GCP Europe. Together, these organisations represent a broad spectrum of stakeholders committed to improving indoor air quality across Europe. We are open to other like-minded organisations who would like to join our coalition and push for action on IAQ in Europe.
Read the full manifesto here, and get in touch with the GCP Europe Secretariat (o.jung@gcpeurope.eu) to find out more.